How to create your own crossword puzzle

How to create your own crossword puzzle

Crossword puzzles are a very entertaining hobby consisting of a grid where you have to write words that cross both vertically and horizontally. In the grid there are white squareswhere you must write the letters, and black squares which separate the words. To do a crossword puzzle, you should carefully read the definitions provided in order to figure out which words are hidden in the puzzle. On the Internet there are many pages where you can create your own crossword puzzle. Continue reading to learn how to create your own crossword puzzle.

You'll need:
  • Computer
  • Internet
Steps to follow:

To create your own crossword puzzle, first click on the following link: create a crossword puzzle.


Next, you can give a title to your crossword puzzle, although this step is optional.


Also, you can choose whether or not to add crossword instructions.


The next step in creating your own crossword is to write all of the words you want it to include, using a maximum of 35 words. Each word should be introduced with a clue next to it.

For example, if the word entered is DOG, the clue could be a pet which is considered to be man's best friend. Accents cannot be used since the program is in English.


Once you have written all the words and clues, look at the bottom of the page and select the options that interest you:

- Make a line for a name so that each word appears in a line.

- Show the word bank to display all the jumbled words of the crossword puzzle. Only use the last option if you want your crossword to be used by others.


Click on horizontal/vertical so that these words will appear in Spanish. If you do the crossword in English, click across/down.


Click Saving options. You will see three options: slot 1, slot 2 and slot 3. Click on the floppy disk from slot 1. It will ask: Are you sure you want to overwrite Slot 1? Click on Accept.


To finish your crossword, check the box that says: Create Crossword Puzzle.


A box will appear with this title: Crossword notes. Close it by clicking on the X in the upper right corner and your completed crossword will appear.


On the left you have several options:

- Show key (answers): This will be your default option. If you click here your solved crossword appears at the right. If you don't want the answers to appear, select Show Puzzle.

- Print puzzle: You can print your crossword.

- Verdana-Geneva,...: if you click here you can choose the font for your crossword.


Notice the part that you've marked with a red box. You can remove or select the options that are provided and if you click on the squares you have marked in blue, you can choose the font type and size of each section of your crossword puzzle.


Click on add an image to insert one of the images that appear. If you look at the screenshot, you'll see I have selected a dog. You can place the image where you wish and change its size.


If you want to save the crossword puzzle on your computer, click on How to make a pdf and follow the instructions.

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  • Print this page so you can easily follow the instructions while using the program.