Earth and Space Science
Earth and space science, you will find practical information written by experts about earth and space science in text, video and images. You will also be able to ask your questions or comments in each article so that our community can help you.
6 articles
The spring equinox, also called the vernal equinox, marks the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. It occurs when the sun crosses the equator and is directly overhead, resulting in equal amounts of daylight and darkness. The vernal equinox has been celebrated for thousands of years in various...
As we approach the shortest and longest days of the year, we often hear about the solstice, a term unfamiliar to many. The term came to English via Anglo-French in the 14th century. Its origins can be traced down from the Latin word solstitium, meaning “sun”, and “-stit-”, meaning “standing”. A winter solstice,...
It is not an easy task to determine which is the largest planet in the universe as the technology created by humans has not yet enabled the discovery of a large part of the universe. In fact, 99% of the universe is still believed to have remained undiscovered by mankind.
So, reveals which...
Surely you have asked yourself this question more than once as, from our perspective, we might imagine the Moon to be a huge sphere that may even exceed the size of the Earth. Although most of the planets orbiting our galaxy have more than one satellite, in our case we have only one moon, the Moon, which...
If you want to learn a little more about climate and meteorology, or even make your own weather forecast, read this series of tips to help know if it's going to rain. Meteorologists or climatologists have studied for years in college and use complex computer systems and various criteria to predict the weather....
low difficulty
Rainbows are one of the most beautiful phenomena in meteorology. They appear when the sun's rays pass through water droplets in the atmosphere, leading to the appearance of a spectrum of light, which is commonly known as a rainbow. This is formed by 7 colours which always appear in the same order. Do you...